Featured Project: Mandali

Featured Project: Mandali

The unexpected trip to ‘Mandali’

The unexpected trip to ‘Mandali’ in Italy made by Vanessa in 2017, has had a large influence on her creatorship. In Mandali she follows the ‘Return to the heart’ retreatment and this teaches her how to get even closer to herself and to develop both emotionally and spiritually. This experience is inseparable to who Vanessa Belgers is and what she stands for. Her designs are connect even more closely connected to Belgers because of this.

What makes this experience even more exceptional is the fact that she has never consciously looked for this place, but it has come to her as a surprise and as a huge gift on her path. This cannot have been a coincidence.

After her encounter with this special place, she would love to return the favor in order to give the center something in extra. Since that moment, Vanessa has done the branding for Mandali. Thus, she creates the especially designed jewelry, bags and clothing for the shop there. By wearing her designs, you are wearing a part of Mandali.

The products are all made in a responsible manner and consist of natural materials only.

Featured Project: Mandali
Featured Project: Mandali